Our Clergy & Warden Team


Rev’d Tatiana Wilson (Tatty)


Tatty joined the team in November 2023 and is enjoying getting to know the church and the wider parish.

She is is passionate about creating opportunities that enable people to grow deeper in their journey of faith and of building community.

If you see her out and about do say hello!

Janet Brooks (Estover Link)

Janet is a retired NHS administrator, married to John.  She has three offspring, all of whom live in Plymouth, two grandchildren and one grand-dog. She is able to see them all regularly which is lovely.

Janet has lived in Plymouth, and worshipped at Christ Church since 1989, when she moved from the East End of London.

She enjoys reading, travelling around the UK and Europe in their motorhome and growing her own vegetables on a plot in the garden. Occasionally, the veg spills over into the flower bed but they are more interesting than flowers and I don’t eat flowers!

She is a volunteer at Buckland Abbey as a buggy driver, and with the vaccination service at Home Park.

She loves walking on the moors with dogs but, doesn’t have any of my own at the moment, she takes their owners too and they usually end up in a café somewhere!


Rev’d Keith Murphy

Associate Minister

Keith coordinates the development of discipleship, evangelism and church planting across the parish and oversees the congregation at Christ Church Estover.

Keith joined the team in April 2017. After a 20-year career in music as a guitarist, bassist and vocal coach, Keith trained in Theology for Ministry at St. John’s College, Nottingham, and was ordained in the Cathedral and Abbey of St Alban in 2012. He served his curacy at Christ Church, Ware.

Keith is married to Annette who is a qualified Body Control Pilates coach and has a background in HR. Keith and Annette met and married at St Paul’s, Ealing and together have a son aged 10.

Olwen Grindell (Parish Warden)


Rev’d Ann Hosking

SSM Curate

Ann joined the team in September 2020 from neighbouring Emmanuel Church after training for ministry with SWMTC.

Over the years she has been church warden, one of the children’s work leaders, supported pastoral and women’s work and a longstanding PCC member.

Though now retired, her professional background was in project management in which she has had a long and fruitful career with BT. It was here that she met her husband Peter and they have three adult children.

Peter Anderson
(Ass. Warden: Eggbuckland link)

Our PCC Officers


Jo Brown (Parish Secretary)

The parish secretary supports the PCC in preparing for meetings, circulating papers, reports and agendas, responding to correspondence and writing minutes as well as preparing our annual report. Jo has been in this role for several years now and is ably supported by our volunteer Parish administrator


Brian Bassett (Electoral Roll Officer)

The electoral roll officer keeps the electoral roll up to date and reports any changes to the PCC and the annual meeting (APCM). The electoral roll is a formal self-declaration of membership for the parish and enables votes to be expressed at the annual meeting (APCM).

Dr. Lystra Hagley-Dickinson (Parish Safeguarding Representative)

The Parish Safeguarding Representative (PSR) oversees takes a key role in the wellbeing of children and young people with the church. They promote sensitivity in the parish toward all those affected by abuse and are at the forefront of ensuring DBS checks are carried out and through our various teams ensure our parish is as safe a community as it can be.

Lystra is a practising criminologist with over 20 years of experience and is currently a staff tutor with the Open University. Lystra, therefore, brings a wealth of professional experience into this voluntary role.


Mandy Collins (Gift Aid & Parish Giving Scheme)

To support the treasurer, we have a finance team and one of the roles within this team is ensuring gift aid is claimed. To help with efficient giving we use the Parish Giving Scheme so Mandy also organises the integration of this, connecting our members with the scheme and ensuring gift-aid is claimed when possible.

David Loynes (Treasurer)

The treasurer oversees the financial accounts for the parish/mission community, ensures that PCC decisions and commitments are carried out and reports on the accounts to the PCC. David is supported by our volunteer operations manager, Julian, and our finance team who meet monthly to preempt any potential issues. David is retired but had a lifelong career as an accountant. In his spare time, he enjoys cricket and is often in demand as an umpire!


Eleanor Parry (Deanery Synod Rep)

Deanery Synods meet to bring together the views of parishes in the deanery on common opportunities and problems so that they may work together to promote the mission of the Church. Visiting speakers are often invited to help in this. They consider the business of the Diocesan Synod and make common concerns and views known to this wider body.

Deanery Synods are an opportunity to meet with other Christians, to worship together, to learn from each other and to share experiences. They meet 3-4 times each year. Deanery Synod representatives are ex officio members of the PCC and are called to be a link between the parishes in the local area.


Our PCC Elected Members


Jo Brown

David Loynes

Dr. Lystra Hagley-Dickinson